Welcome to the Virtual Exhibition of "It's Not that Scary" by Isabel Bishop


This exhibition was first hosted by Coe College in the Sinclair Art Galleries in April of 2019. This virtual exhibition was made possible thanks to the American Physical Society, and the Society of Physics Students' summer internship program. Additional thanks to Artsteps and their amazing virtual gallery software!

About the Artist

Isabel Bishop is an artist who loves putting wildly different things together. Being passionate about a number of different subjects meant that it was difficult for her to narrow down her undergraduate studies at Coe College. From an ambitious goal of three majors and two minors, Bishop eventually ended up with a degree in physics with a minor in fine arts.

At Coe, she learned how putting two wildly different subjects side by side brings out not only their stark differences, but surprising similarities. Her thesis exhibition, “It’s Not that Scary” focuses on the marriage between fine arts and physics and how, like all good marriages, the combination can bring out the best parts of each.

Thanks to the help of the Society of Physics Students and the American Physical Society, Isabel’s exploration continues in this virtual exhibition, where she continues to explore art as an engagement tool for science.

In the future, she hopes to continue her work combining art and physics for use in the educational field. She hopes her work can make physics accessible and exciting for those who might otherwise be intimidated by the subject.

Learn more about Isabel Bishop's work

List of Works

  1. Artist Statement
  2. You Are Here
  3. 7 Billion People are About a Sugar Cube
  4. Pink is a Made Up Color
  5. The Bohr Model of the Atom is Just That
  6. 7.5 Times a Second
  7. Hexagons are the Closest Thing Science Gets to Magic
  8. This Distance is Not to Scale