Light & Optics

Physics in Action

New worlds around strange stars are waiting to be discovered...and we're on the hunt.

TESS: A Satellite Scout for Nearby Exoplanets
New worlds orbiting strange stars are waiting to be discovered...and we're on the hunt.

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3D and Polarization at Home
Grab some 3D glasses for this home experiment

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People in Physics


James Roche
James Roche is part artist, part skateboarder, part physicist, and full time funny man. This physicist and APS project coordinator knows how to make any experience fun and exciting. Physics after all, can be funny.

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Writer's Gallery


Death From the Skies
Philip Plait
"The Universe is trying to kill you. It's nothing personal. It's trying to kill me too" Astronomer, Phil Plait, describes how everything from asteroids to gamma ray burst would end impact the Earth.

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