Material Science

Physics in Action

What could we accomplish with machines that draw power from the air around us?

Meet the Tiny Machines that Harness Humidity for Power
What could we accomplish with machines that draw power from the air around us?

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People in Physics


Nicola Spaldin
When Prof. Nicola Spaldin was growing up in the British mountains where her “parents ran a hiking center,” it was apparent that she loved the outdoors and discovering her surroundings. She took this curiosity into her academic career, where she studied materials that can have more than one job.

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Writer's Gallery


Insatiable Birdie
Can a book inspire you as a child to grow up and solve one of the most famous mysteries of mathematics? Come take a peek inside Physics for Entertainment to find out. Originally published over seventy years ago in Russia, this classic book answers many fascinating questions that one might not even think are physics questions. “Can an invisible man see? Why are all cats grey when the candles are out?” The excerpt below explains the habits or our beloved drinking bird toy.

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