Resources for Educators

American Physical Society Online Journals Available Free in U.S. High Schools

The American Physical Society (APS) announces a new public access initiative that will give high school students and teachers in the United States full use of all online APS journals, from the most recent articles back to the first issue in 1893, a collection including over 400,000 scientific research papers. APS will provide access to its journals, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics, at no cost, as a contribution to public engagement with the ongoing development of scientific understanding.


Outreach Guide

This guide was created to provide ideas, opportunities, and most importantly "how-to" information regarding physics outreach programs.

View the Outreach Guide


Physics Posters

View and request our posters



PhysicsCentral runs programs for all ages with the goal of making physics fun and interesting for everyone.  From coloring books to at home experiments we have something perfect for you and your students to enjoy.


Just how does your world work? The word "physics" is loaded with intimidating terms such as "quantum" and "relativity." In reality though, physics is at work all around you, all of the time. This feature introduces you to some of the physics of your everyday world.

Video Contests

Interested in using your creativity to entertain and teach? Then check out our video contests. See past winners and learn how to enter a video of your own.

Activity Books

Color Me Physics is a series of books created with the goal of introducing children to physics is a fun, exciting way. We have both a coloring book of famous physicists and an activity book with games and puzzles. We will continue to add to our collection so keep checking back for more fun for kids of all ages.