
Just how does your world work? The word "physics" is loaded with intimidating terms such as "quantum" and "relativity." In reality though, physics is at work all around you, all of the time. This feature introduces you to some of the physics of your everyday world.

Get creative and learn the basics of magnetism at the same time with this fun blend of art & science!

Surprising Sculptures with Magnetic Magic

Get creative and learn the basics of magnetism at the same time with this fun blend of art & science!

Watch the interplay of electricity and magnetism in action, with this see-thru version of a classic physics demonstration!

Lenz's Law: Time Warp Tube

Watch the interplay of electricity and magnetism in action, with this see-thru version of a classic physics demonstration!

Learn how this mysterious

Wheels and Whirlwinds: the Coriolis Effect

Learn how this mysterious force works with a trip to the playground!

Have some summer physics fun at the pool, and learn about buoyancy & vorticity in the process!

Physics at the Pool: Bubble Rings

Have some summer physics fun at the pool, and learn about buoyancy & vorticity in the process!

Learn about the structure of metals as you use a paper clip to turn mechanical work into heat!

Paper Clip Heat

Learn about the structure of metals as you use a paper clip to turn mechanical work into heat!