Physics in Action

In Physics in Action we take you to a frontier area of physics. After a short introduction to the basic physics involved, we give you a taste of the current research in the field.


batteries thumb image

How Batteries Work

From turning on a lamp in your home to running solar panels, batteries play a large role in our everyday lives.

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Imaging a Black Hole

The black hole selected for imaging resides in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy, 55 million light years away (324 quintillion miles away).

Elementary particle standard model thumb

Is There Need for a New Particle Physics Model?

High energy particle physics experiments in recent past have brought into question parts of the model currently used in particle physics.

New worlds around strange stars are waiting to be discovered...and we're on the hunt.

TESS: A Satellite Scout for Nearby Exoplanets

New worlds orbiting strange stars are waiting to be discovered...and we're on the hunt.

What could we accomplish with machines that draw power from the air around us?

Meet the Tiny Machines that Harness Humidity for Power

What could we accomplish with machines that draw power from the air around us?