Writers’ Gallery

Our Writers' Gallery features short pieces about physics by authors who are both renowned physicists and prize-winning writers. Some of these are original contributions and others are excerpts from longer works. Many are linked to more information about the authors and their work.



Gödel's Proof Review

Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems shook the foundations of formal logic and mathematics, but its meaning remained elusive even to experts for years. Today, however, there's an easier way to see how Gödel discovered his theorems.


Einstein's Dreams Review

Einstein's Dreams takes the reader on a journey through different conceptions of time. What if time stood still? What if time slowed down on the highest mountain peaks? Find out why this modern classic is a must-read for those looking to dabble in physics, philosophy, or psychology.


Physics for Future Presidents --the Science Behind the Headlines

Richard A. Muller

What does the president need to know about Physics? As president you will need to make decisions that require thinking like a physicist.


ATOM: An Odyssey from the Big Bang to Life on Earth...and Beyond

Lawrence M. Krauss

It is difficult today to fully appreciate how recent is the notion that atoms are real physical entities, and not mere mathematical or philosophical constructs.


A Mind Can Be Open Without Being Empty: Thoughts on the Skepticism of Scientists

James Trefil

Is the scientific community really closed to ideas from the lonely genius? Do the historical stories of Galileo and Wegener really show that we are willing to listen only to our own?


The Map is Not the Territory*

Hans Christian von Baeyer

My uncle Karl had no sense of direction. Armed with an elaborate set of instructions and a street map of downtown Montreal, he would gamely set off on an errand, and we children would gleefully brace ourselves for the next development.