Physics in Pictures

Physics in Pictures features exciting illustrations of nature's infinite variety and humankind's ingenuity. Each picture is accompanied by a brief explanation and links to a story on related current physics research.


Thin films can create

Soap Up Close

Thin films can create "destructive" magic

A rainbow isn't the only amazing thing that can happen when light bounces around inside water droplets!

Tiny Drops Create Rings of Color

A rainbow isn't the only amazing thing that can happen when light bounces around inside water droplets!

Using cutting-edge machine-learning technology, scientists are pushing the envelope of quantum computing.

Neural Nets Help Design Stable Quantum Computers

Using cutting-edge machine-learning technology, scientists are pushing the envelope of quantum computing.

The Swallow Tanager gets its brilliant blue and turquoise hues by harnessing the wave properties of light.

What Color is this Bird?

The swallow tanager gets its brilliant blue and turquoise hues by harnessing the wavelike properties of light.

The interior of a neutron star plays host to strange phases of matter unlike anything seen here on Earth.

Don't Eat This! A Recipe for "Nuclear Pasta"

The interior of a neutron star plays host to strange phases of matter unlike anything seen here on Earth.