Episode 13: Astro Puffs

Science off the Sphere

Astronaut and chemist Dr. Don Pettit does physics demos that are out of this world. Currently on board the International Space Station, Dr. Pettit presents fantastic physics that can only be demonstrated in micro-gravity.


Episode 13: Astro Puffs


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Challenge Question: How does volume affect how the spheres react to the waves?

Challenge Answer: As the volume of the sphere increases, the mass increases and the sphere will have more inertia. More of the momentum from the shot of air will go towards creating waves and less towards moving the sphere. The greater body oscillations will make more water recoil backwards than in the case of lower volume. Also, the surface oscillations will take longer to travel to the back of the sphere.

Challenge Winner: Daniel Chamudot, Riverdale, NY


More Science off the Sphere

Episode 1: Dancing Droplets

Episode 2: Bistro-nauts

Episode 3: Thin Film Physics

Episode 4: Lenses and Vortices

Episode 5: Fun with Antibubbles

Episode 6: Earth in Infrared

Episode 7: Space Soundwaves

Episode 8: Goo!

Episode 9: Electric Didgeridoo

Episode 10: 1.21 Legowatts

Episode 11: Space Balloonacy

Episode 12: Spring Theory

Episode 13: Astro Puffs

Episode 14: Yo-Yos in Space