Writers' Gallery by Topic

Light & Optics


Death From the Skies

Philip Plait

"The Universe is trying to kill you. It's nothing personal. It's trying to kill me too" Astronomer, Phil Plait, describes how everything from asteroids to gamma ray burst would end impact the Earth.


The Education of T.C. MITS --What Modern Mathematics Means to You

Lillian Lieber

How will I use math and physics in the real world? Lillian Lieber answers this age old question in this recently re-released classic. She describes how math and physics function as a democracy in a triumph of good over evil.


Physics for Future Presidents --the Science Behind the Headlines

Richard A. Muller

What does the president need to know about Physics? As president you will need to make decisions that require thinking like a physicist.


Einstein's Relativity and Everyday Life

Clifford M. Will

What good is fundamental physics to the person on the street? This is the perennial question posed to physicists by their non-science friends, by students in the humanities and social sciences, and by politicians looking to justify spending tax dollars on basic science.


Einstein's Legacy

John S. Rigden

Would the world now be different if Albert Einstein had never lived? Could we ask the same question with regard to Claude Monet or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?


Chess and the Laws of Physics

J. Richard Gott

Discovering the laws of physics is like trying to learn the laws of chess merely by observing chess games.