Physics+ by Topic

Force & Motion

When GPS isn't an option, scientists turn to physics to help control and track swarms of underwater sensors.

A New Approach to Mapping the Mysteries of Ocean Life

When GPS isn't an option, scientists turned to physics to control and track swarms of underwater sensors.

Tiny swimming robots could revolutionize healthcare, traveling through the bloodstream to perform a variety of life saving tasks

Tiny Robots Swim Toward Better Healthcare

Tiny swimming robots could revolutionize healthcare, traveling through the bloodstream to perform a variety of life-saving tasks.

New experiments explore the physics of high-speed punctures

Puncturing Prey

New experiments explore the physics of high-speed punctures.


The Science Behind World Cup Passing Networks

Network theory reveals successful World Cup strategies


Back Lever Physics

Discover the physics behind this bodyweight skill and master it yourself


Galilean Relativity and Galileo's Ship

How Galileo showed we aren't at the center of the universe


How to Do a Handstand with Physics

Physics can help you master this move


Supersonic Ping Pong Bazooka

Engineers create a ping pong gun that breaks the sound barrier


Science of a Shipwreck: Costa Concordia

Largest salvage effort ever presents unique engineering challenges